Krista Cooper

Krista Cooper


Squat Clean: 175

Bench: 155

Snatch: 135

~Continue to improve daily~

~most proud to be able to workout with family and people I love~


USA Weightlifting Certificate

Prior CrossFit L1

Over 13 years experience as a Crossfitter

About Coach

I was bored with the same at the globo gym. Nothing excited me until I was introduced to CrossFit. I love the constantly varied and the community. Having a coach to keep me accountable and motivated to keep moving kept me coming back. I wanted to share that with others and become a coach.

Turning Point

We are our own worse enemy. Doubt and fear get in the way of taking action. There's no failure and no perfection. Simply a community of people who want to be healthier and move, to live a more fulfilling life. CrossFit is my outlet and love to share that with anyone who wants to join meπŸ’ͺ🏽❀️πŸ’ͺ🏽

Motivation & Passion

My motivation to coach others is to inspire that excitement and feeling of accomplishment so they want to continue to come back. All movement is achievable in a variety of ways. Just have to step into the gym.

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